Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Peace of mind & Tibetan bowl

Everyone of us wants peace of mind in this day-to-day stressful life...there are many ways to attain stress free life , like getting away from negetive people, being positive as much as possible,forgiving & forgetting,friendly gestures and many more to mention .. how many of these are we really following?

Are we really comfortable being with people around us? Are we really bothered about their problems and giving them a helping hand atleast by talking to them? Everyone of us yearn for someone to listen to us... Am I right?Our childhood days were filled with love, friendship, caring , sharing and so much of innocence that we think everyone is awesome...Then why are we changing ourselves once we grow up? Lots of jealousy, comparision,egoism is getting developed once we grow up... 

 People , let us all come out of this  egoistic nature and develop a healthy and peaceful lifestyle like our parents did... we all have burdens, problems and what not? Can't we handle them with strength? Yes we can ... we are strong enough to face and solve any kind of problem only if we stay positive...please don't let negativity enter ur mind...if a negative thought starts entering ur mind, kindly handle it by telling to ur self that , this universe has given me enough strength to deal with the problems and I can find a solution....don't walk away from situations .. try to solve them... once u start walking away from ur problems, they follow u back.. once u start solving ur problems, u will be ready to face any situation!! This will boost ur confidence levels and increase positivity and u can lead a stressfree life !!

  There are so many traditional practices to relieve stress and one of them is playing Tibetan bowl which makes pleasant sounds..we need to tap it and ring around it , for it to make pleasant temple bell sounds.. There are many different sizes of Tibetan bowls available in the matket for u to grab one... This Tibetan bowl that I'm using is purchased at Mahabalipuram , in a wellness store...I
just love the sound vibrations that it makes.

The sound vibration that it makes is good for our overall wellbeing .. it reduces migraines, headache,good for people with high blood pressure, good for muscle relaxationetc...here  are few pics of my Tibetan bowl...

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